Faculty & Administrators

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Faculty & Administrators 13 records found Search took 0.09 seconds. 
Irene Carn was a Professor of Nursing from 1936 through 1968. She taught at both of Skidmore’s nursing programs at the Mary McClellan Hospital in Cambridge, NY and in N [...]
1981-03-24 | spoken word | Oral Histories of Skidmore College, Faculty & Administrators |
Marion Pease was on the art faculty at Skidmore and taught from 1925 to 1959. She was both director and chair of the Fine and Applied Art programs and chair of the Art pr [...]
1981-03-24 | spoken word | Oral Histories of Skidmore College, Faculty & Administrators |
Miriam Benkovitz was born in 1911 and was an English professor at Skidmore from 1946 until 1977. She died in 1986. Her biographies of Ronald Firbank, Frederick Rolfe, and [...]
1981-04-13 | text | Oral Histories of Skidmore College, Faculty & Administrators |
Theophile Krawiec taught psychology at Skidmore for 33 years between 1945 and 1978. He taught several semesters at Skidmore’s Glens Falls Division, which was set up to [...]
1981-04-15 | text | Oral Histories of Skidmore College, Faculty & Administrators |
Mary Elizabeth Larsen served as Lucy Skidmore Scribner’s secretary from 1919-1931 and then as Secretary to the subsequent Skidmore Presidents until 1966. She died in 19 [...]
1981-05-06 | spoken word | Oral Histories of Skidmore College, Faculty & Administrators |
Eleanore Galant served as an assistant in the Office of the President and as director of publications, working at Skidmore from 1954 until 1986. She was married for 64 ye [...]
1981-09-03 | Oral Histories of Skidmore College, Faculty & Administrators |
Henry Galant, professor and chair of the Government department, served at Skidmore from 1954 through 1986. He is credited with founding Skidmore’s Government department [...]
1981-09-06 | spoken word | Oral Histories of Skidmore College, Faculty & Administrators |
Erwin Levine was a professor in the Government Department from 1974-1988 and chair from 1979-1986. At his retirement, a fund was established in his honor to help Skidmore [...]
1981-12-02 | spoken word | Oral Histories of Skidmore College, Faculty & Administrators |
Lynne Gelber arrived at Skidmore in 1966. She was a French professor and served as department chair of foreign languages and literature several times. She specialized in [...]
1982-01-14 | spoken word | Oral Histories of Skidmore College, Faculty & Administrators |
Mary Elizabeth Larsen served as Lucy Skidmore Scribner’s secretary from 1919-1931 and then as Secretary to the subsequent Skidmore Presidents until 1966. She died in 19 [...]
1982-04-09 | spoken word | Oral Histories of Skidmore College, Faculty & Administrators |
George Colton served on the Board of Trustees from 1972 until 1986. He was Vice President emeritus at Dartmouth when President Palamountain personally approached him to s [...]
1989-02-28 | spoken word | Oral Histories of Skidmore College, Faculty & Administrators |
Peter Sipperly came to Skidmore in 1972 and was the Associate Dean of Student Affairs during the time of the Wilmarth dorm fire (with a student fatality), the introductio [...]
1989-03-15 | spoken word | Oral Histories of Skidmore College, Faculty & Administrators |
David Marcell came to Skidmore in 1964 as the director of the then one-person American Studies department. As that department grew, he became chair in 1968. In 1977, he w [...]
1989-03-29 | spoken word | Oral Histories of Skidmore College, Faculty & Administrators |

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