@article{[Omnibusplay-"TheWayoftheWorld"byWilliamCongreveanddirectedbyKatherineLonsdaleReid:4037, recid = {4037}, author = {Settle, Henry B., 1881-1956 , attributed to}, title = {[Omnibus play - "The Way of the World" by William Congreve and directed by Katherine Lonsdale Reid, Professor of Dramatic Arts - performed in the Spa Theater - dress rehearsal - costumes and sets designed by Alfrida Storm, Professor of Art, and her students]}, address = {1941-05-15}, pages = {gelatin silver print ; 20.3 x 25.4 cm. ; [printed later from original negative]}, url = {http://digitalcoll.skidmore.edu/record/4037}, }