@article{MayDay[onthelawnbetweenNewmanHouseandGriffithHall-MayQueen:3708, author = {Settle, Henry B., 1881-1956 , attributed to}, url = {http://digitalcoll.skidmore.edu/record/3708}, title = {May Day [on the lawn between Newman House and Griffith Hall - May Queen, Dorothy McCracken '36 (seated, center of back row) and her court - Front row, seated (left to right): Betty Shea '35, Clarice O'Hara '37, Ruth Marschalk '35, Mary Van Wickle '35, Winifred Mittag '35, Peggy Miller '36; back row, standing (left to right): Helen Devine '36, Marie Heitman '37, Sylvia Lufburrow '35, Marion Green '36, Betsy Wadsworth '37, Anita Farrington '35]}, recid = {3708}, pages = {gelatin silver print ; 20.3 x 25.4 cm. ; [printed later from original negative]}, address = {1935-05-18}, }