@article{[DanceDrama-"Americanization"-heldintheLittleTheatreandperformedbyPhysicalEducationmajorsforthebenefitoftheSkidmoreCampscholarship-studentsincostumeswithlargesnakemotif-(lefttoright):JeanMacNaughton‘35:3699, recid = {3699}, author = {Settle, Henry B., 1881-1956 , attributed to}, title = {[Dance Drama - "Americanization" - held in the Little Theatre and performed by Physical Education majors for the benefit of the Skidmore Camp scholarship - students in costumes with large snake motif - (left to right): Jean MacNaughton ‘35, Mary Hurley ‘35, Alice Furbish ‘35, Margaret Wilkinson ’35, Nellie Hegeman ‘35, Mary Bull '35, unidentified student]}, address = {1935-03-20}, pages = {gelatin silver print ; 20.3 x 25.4 cm. ; [printed later from original negative]}, url = {http://digitalcoll.skidmore.edu/record/3699}, }