      recid = {3670},
      author = {Settle, Henry B., 1881-1956 , attributed to},
      title = {May Day [on the lawn between Newman House and Griffith  Hall - May Queen, Winifred Mittag '35 (seated, center) and  her court - (left to right): Katherine Haight '36,  Elizabeth Finaly '35, Betty Shea '35, Ruth Marschalk '35,  Ruth Beatty '34, Roberta Dauernheim '34, Winifred Mittag  '35, Sylvia Lufburrow '35, Winifred Wheeler '34, Elizabeth  Hafley '36, Laura Hood '34, Jane Shepard '34, Anita  Farrington '35]},
      address = {1934-05-19},
      pages = {gelatin silver print ; 20.3 x 25.4 cm. ; [printed later  from original negative]},
      url = {http://digitalcoll.skidmore.edu/record/3670},