      recid = {3486},
      author = {Settle, Henry B., 1881-1956 , attributed to},
      title = {Seniors [Skidmore Scholars (ten students having the  highest academic rank in the graduating class) wearing caps  and gowns and standing on the steps of Margarette E.  Griffith Hall - Front row (left to right): unidentified  student, unidentified student, Shirley Vander Veer '30  (Class President), Laurene Maybury '30; Back row (left to  right): Edith Stone '30 (1st in class), Mathilde  Muehlfelder '30, Amy Mendel '30, Barbara Bliss '30, Elfrida  Kevorkian '30, Margaret Halsey '30]},
      address = {1930},
      pages = {gelatin silver print ; 20.3 x 25.4 cm. ; [printed later  from original negative]},
      url = {http://digitalcoll.skidmore.edu/record/3486},