25 cards : color illustrations ; 47 x 76 mm. in a box 9 x 18 x 6 cm.
Title from paper label on box lid. Book made up of 25 paper cards housed in a slotted lidded wooden box, resembling a box of microscope slides. Cards have a photographic image of a playground, water, or land slide on the front accompanied by a statement on the back. List of where the images were taken affixed to the inside of the box lid. Images taken from various spots in the Pacific states and provinces. Edition of two copies. Signed, dated, and numbered in ink by the artist.
Local Note
Photographed and posted with permission of the artist. "This is copy 2 of two"--Colophon.
Archive Location
Artists' Book Collection - Call Number: N7433.4.H373 B69 2011