@article{Oldflamesmismatched:truestoriesofextinguishedlove/lived:2563, recid = {2563}, author = {Michaelis, Catherine}, title = {Old flames mismatched : true stories of extinguished love / lived, written, & letterpressed by C.A. Michaelis.. True stories of extinguished love}, address = {2000}, pages = {1 art original : paper, color ; 5 x 4 x 1 cm.}, note = {Limited edition of unstated number. Consists of two matchbooks identified as vol. 1 and vol. 2, letterpress printed on the cover and on each matchstick. The words on the matchsticks describe former friends and lovers. As matches are removed the text changes.}, url = {http://digitalcoll.skidmore.edu/record/2563}, }